July 27, 2013
Today we were re-invited to talk at PicoPico Cafe in Tokyo, where we talked on our personal project that helped us learn Unity3D to a degree whereby it is possible to publish a game. This in turned helped us create Bath Time for iPad / iPhone.
Many thanks to Joseph White @ Lexaloffle for the host.
(Link to this article: https://dadako.com/talk-at-picopico-cafe-tokyo-2/)
September 1, 2011
Tilterpillar is a Game for the iPhone, taking the old concept of “snake” style games (you might remember from old b&w screen phones) and basing it around a caterpillar who eats leaves.
If you would like more information or a Promotional Code please write to hello@dadako.com.
This game has a website: http://tilterpillar.com, (also works on mobile), A Facebook fan page and Twitter account at @tilterpillar
A large PSD version of the logo can be downloaded here.
And finally, a video link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GOEikg7qf4
Note to users who downloaded 1.0:
Due to an unfixable technical problem, please delete the app from your iPhone before upgrading to 1.1, apologies for the inconvenience.
(Link to this article: https://dadako.com/tilterpillar-iphone/)
August 11, 2011
We have a release date, and a name for our next game, that we can now share with you.
The name of our new game is Tilterpillar.
The release date is 1st of September.
Currently in the final rounds of beta testings and preparing a new PR video, it’s a fun time at Dadako Studios, we’ve done apps before but we are sweaty in anticipation of what is our first game on iOS.
Tilterpillar is here! http://tilterpillar.com
(Link to this article: https://dadako.com/tilterpillar-our-first-iphone-game/)
May 12, 2011
Photo Avatar is a Social Networking app for the iPhone that allows users to add fun items to their photos, turning them into avatars.
$0.99 / 59p price range (Tier1)
Photo Avatar is based on our proprietary vector engine that powers Facemakr and Monstermakr. If you would like more information or a Press Pack, please see the about page for more information.
(this app was formerly known as Picture Club)
(Link to this article: https://dadako.com/photo-avatar-1-1/)
April 1, 2011
(* in 4 monthly instalments totalling $319.96)
Take the magic of electric heat wherever you go, with iHob coming soon exclusively to iPhone5!
(Link to this article: https://dadako.com/ihob-for-iphone5/)