Pixel Art Fonts for Unity

A font pack for Windows & macOS & linux.

Pixel Art Fonts are a collection of custom fonts for use with Unity, that are specifically designed for pixel art games.

Pixel Art Fonts, a collection of 8 unique hand crafted fonts, that require no plugins to use! Designed especially to stay razor sharp on resizing, these bitmap fonts work natively with Unity Canvas UI and Text Mesh.

Suited for all pixel art games and more!

Fonts can even be fully outlined! (No scripts or plugins required.)

Basic latin support with punctuation in all fonts.

You want a set of pixel perfect fonts? Here they are!

While first investigating pixel art game creation in Unity, like any game engine it has it’s own caveats. One of Unity’s is that with the new dynamic font rendering system, it can’t perform nearest neighbour filtering on scaled fonts, so when pixel art style fonts are displayed through the regular method, they are scaled using bilinear filtering, resulting in blurry fonts.

Not what you want in a pixel art game.

So dadako’s Hawken set about seeing if he could find a solution for nice clean crisp bitmap fonts. The result was pretty good, so we shared it with the larger game development community, for a low fee.

The font pack remains one of the best selling font packs on the Asset store. This was genuinely made for developers by developers, used in countless games for Mobile, PC, Switch, Playstation4/5 and xBox. Even this lovely indie game Night in the Woods

"I couldn't have made The Scrungeon Depths without this asset. Seriously a massive style boost and polish bringer. I can't recommend this collection enough! And for that price?! A STEAL!" - Unity Asset Store review

Pixel Art Fonts for Unity Credits
font designer Hawken King